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Love is the only thing powerful enough to give you the strength to do the last thing in the world you want tae do.
Gimli left just after midday, sleepy, full of broccoli, neeps, carrots, rich teas, digestives and hobnobs, getting a massage and a head rub and kisses in that soft bit between his eye and his ear, wi me and his pal Elisa beside him. I couldnae have hoped for my best boy tae leave and take his next path tae nowhere or everywhere any more peacefully and wi any more love than he did. Thank you Bruce for making one of the hardest moments of my life as beautiful as it was.
Wi a longing for him that will never go away, love that will last forever, gratitude that I could do the right thing at the right time, and relief that the one I love so much didnae suffer and could leave wi his dignity, peace and doing the things he loved; farewell, darling man.
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